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Despite a recent resurgence in popularity, fighting games are one of the toughest genres for an aspiring character to break into. New IPs are becoming increasingly rare as sequels and reboots dominate the genre.

So what can a wannabe playable brawler do to better his or her odds of fighting-game fame? Conform to fighting-game character archetypes! We’ve compiled five easy strategies to ease your journey towards superstardom and a career's worth of shoryukens to the face:

5) Conform to ethnic or national stereotypes

Ethnic stereotypes may sometimes be offensive, but in fighting games they help simplify characters so the audience has a sense of who they are. For example, a common stereotype is that Americans are obese and/or dress like cowboys. Therefore if a character is depicted in concept art as an obese man wearing a cowboy hat, the audience will immediately know where that character is from and what national anthem to hum while on the select screen.

It may seem daunting to boil yourself down to a simple stereotype, but with a little creativity it isn’t difficult. For the sake of example, let’s break down my name, Rachel Jagielski, in terms of brawler potential. Women fall into three distinct categories in fighting games: schoolgirls, femme fatales, and bat-shit crazy. And because my last name is Polish I must be from an Eastern European country. Therefore the simplest stereotype for me to embody would be that of a Polish assassin working for the Russian Mafia, probably with an enthusiasm for leather bodysuits.

If I were a man with the name Jagielski, I could just as easily be a vodka-swilling dockworker looking for a good brawl, or a vodka-swilling anything looking for a good brawl.


4) Have amnesia

Amnesiac characters are so ubiquitous in fighting games because of the infinite rainbow of possibilities associated with severe memory loss. A character with amnesia need not conform to normal patterns of behavior. An evil character can lay down the amnesia card and become a "good guy" overnight. Another way amnesia is useful is that it makes an otherwise boring character "mysterious."

There are myriad techniques for inducing amnesia, some of which require only a decent two-by-four. As a pugilist, the most straightforward method is to take unguarded blows to the head. Simply let your guard down at convenient moments and soon your vacant gaze will pay testament to your mysterious nature! And if the audience still doesn't get the hint, wrap some bandages around your head or train canaries to do laps around your dome.

3) Lose a parent/guardian/sensei in a violent "accident"

One thing all fighting game characters share is a reason to fight. Revenge is among the most common and convenient motivators to that end. Deceased fathers are a particularly popular raison d’être.

Don’t panic. We aren’t suggesting you actually arrange the death of someone close to you! We’re merely pointing out that, as a practitioner of martial arts, it is likely one of your trusted mentors will expire at the hands of an evil dictator/corporation/Polish amnesiac. Failing that, you could arrange the death of a family member, then suffer amnesia and blame your misfortune on a third party. I'm just blue-skying ideas here.

The most important thing is to react properly when the inevitable happens: Rather than move on with your life, devote yourself to revenge. It’s what your loved one would have wanted.

2) Have a serious case of the crazies

Were you a part of a top-secret/stupid genetic experiment gone wrong? Or perhaps raised by an unfeeling corporation to be an unrepentant killer? Does your amnesia make it difficult to behave rationally? It doesn’t matter why you’re crazy — just that you are.

Your moves or back story are ancillary, but there is one ironclad requirement: You must have an insane laugh.

Both men and women can use the crazy angle, but women tend to have the most success. It's important to note that women who choose to be "the crazy character" typically take a minimalist approach to clothing. Got half a greave on one shin and a ripped bikini? To battle!

Apparently the line between sexy and crazy is very fine, like the edge of your bladed hula hoop, sword whip, or whatever.

1) Become a totalitarian dictator/evil corporation CEO

This is possibly the most challenging of all routes to fighting-game stardom but also the most rewarding. A dictator in fighting games is a unique breed of dictator. His plots invariably fail, but he can never pivot and just go with a conventional military coup instead. On the plus side, you'll probably get a powerglove or the ability to turn your whole body into a chrome-like reflective material.

What’s the easiest way to achieve martial arts-based world domination? By hosting a fighting tournament, duh! Put on an ominous-looking cape, find some henchmen, and let the games begin!

Being an evil leader is inherently risky, of course. The aforementioned crazy person is probably your fault, and amnesiacs will be looking to hit you. But don’t fret: Because you’re the tournament's organizer you will always have a critical place in series canon! And if someone does kill you, you'll probably just come back in mecha form anyway.

Originally posted on While you're there check out my voice on Hippo Cast, Digital Hippos official gaming podcast available on iTunes!