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Hello World!

Well, it's better late than never… The thought never occured to me to make an introductory post until Layton encouraged new users to write one.  I've been lurking about the site since December, but hey… why not join in on the fun, since everyone else is doing it?

Anyway, the name's Elizabeth (which I suppose is pretty obvious), but everyone calls me Liz for short.  My internet persona is gaiages, so if you find someone with that username in the World Wide Web, in all likelihood it's me!  I'm a 24 (well, almost) year old college student going for an Accounting (SO exciting) degree.  In case my name didn't give it anyway, I am in fact a female, though the reason I don't have a picture to prove it is because I'm severly allergic to photos.  I don't know what it is, but any mention of a photograph makes me crawl under the desk and play hermit for a few hours.

…Oh, but I guess you're more interested in my gaming history?  No?  That's unfortunate, since I'll tell you anyway.  I've been gaming since the tender age of five, after a stint of my older brother recording himself playing Super Mario Bros. 3 and replaying it so I can mimic the controls.  After that, I've never stopped gaming, and I've never been discouraged from gaming either:  My mother was a relatively avid gamer as well.  Unlike most of the 'hip' gaming kids, I was more of a portable gamer… we were always behind on the console front until I got off my lazy butt and got a job, and my first paycheck went to a PS2 with Final Fantasy X.  I guess you can say I was forced to find appreciation for older games, which is by no means a bad thing.  I also somehow completely missed out on that 'Golden Age' of gaming, or the 16-bit generation, and have been trying to catch up on a lot of those classics.  Thank goodness for the Virtual Console and game compilations!

Lesse, what else…?  Oh, the gaming genre I tend to gravitate playing the most are RPGs, though I'll play almost anything if it has an interesting premise.  I enjoy reading up A LOT on game series I love, so I might have some random gaming knowledge stored up in my mind, you know, instead of family's birthdays and my work's phone number and all that.  Also, I tend to go through 'fads', as my boyfriend calls them, where I get completely obsessed with a certain game/series/company and just go CRAZY, looking up everything I can and trying to grab every game possible.  You probably don't want to talk to me when I get like that, because I'd talk your ear off about what I'm obsessed with and make you sick of me within an hour.

Since I'm on this site, you can assume I enjoy writing about games.  I'm not the most creative when it comes to… well, anything, so expect lame titles galore.  I do enjoy writing reviews, but being the frugal gamer I am, I rarely get any games when they come out, so my reviews revolve around older games.  I like gathering information about interesting games that haven't come come out yet and post up a bit of a 'summary' preview, and whil I did that on my old blog, I'm not sure if that's something that'd work well on Bitmob…

…And that's all!  What's that, you actually WANT to know more?  I doubt that, but feel free to ask me anything in the comments!  Who knows, I might actually answer your questions!  Thanks for reading~!