This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

August 22 update: And the winners are….

Dewan J. Haque and Ryan Knutson.

Mark Litzinger and Jack Bromley.

Tom Heistuman and Ken Wong.

Reggie Carolipio and Josh Derocher.

Top community stories:
Brad Grenz (Detective work reveals PSN servers up to date)
John Michael (Confession: I accidentally turned off the PlayStation Network)

Congratulations to all the winners, and a big “thank you” to everyone who participated! Whoever got the banana case, please post a picture with it, so Bitmob intern Samir Torres can go on with his life.

I can't stand it anymore. This huge stash of gaming goodies in my closet has got to go.

Cool stuff has been piling up in my apartment for over a year now, waiting for me to find the right time to give everything away. Since we're turning two this month, and we now have a fully armed and operational Bitmob (via the 2.0, 2.1, and 2.15 updates), that time is now.

Super Bitmob Giveaway: prize pile

To help celebrate our two-year anniversary, we're giving 10 Bitmob community members a big pile of swag, which may include any of the following:

  • Gaming T-shirts (I have tons of them)
  • Red Dead Redemption dice, playing cards
  • Art books (some signed)
  • Killzone 3 army men
  • Statues/busts
  • Hats (including Gears of War and classic NES controller)
  • Gaming-themed flash drives
  • Kirby's Epic Yarn patch
  • Han Solo-in-carbonite PSP case
  • Pokémon toys
  • Magnets
  • Dead Rising 2 car-antenna toppers
  • And…well, lots of other stuff I'm not going to bother to list out here. Just look at that picture! No way I'm going to take the time to inventory all that. (Click for a larger view…though not all the prizes are in plain view. And no, that's not a sex toy. That's a Super Monkey Ball 3D banana case for holding bananas. Seriously.)
  • Also: Some more goodies we got from the recent E3 trade show.

Plus: Each winner will receive at least five video games from a variety of platforms (including newer stuff like Kinect and 3DS).

The best part? We're giving you multiple ways to enter. And if you win, your prize pack won't be completely random — you'll get a chance to claim something you like in this picture.

Here's how it'll all go down:


We will be running the Super Bitmob Giveaway starting May 1, 2011 and going until the end of July 2011. At the end of this period, we will select 10 winners from the groups below. When we notify them, we will give them a chance to select one game and one piece of swag from this table, then we will fill the rest of their grab-bag prize package (including four more random games each) with our choice of goods.

Two (2) winners: The commenter group

Comment on any articles on Bitmob. At the end of the contest, we'll select two commenters at random to win this group.

(Note: We're not going to count any nonsense comments that you obviously threw down just to get an entry in. Legitimate comments only!)

Two (2) winners: The Twitter group

Follow @bitmob and tweet any articles from Bitmob. If you follow us on Twitter, each time you tweet (or retweet) a Bitmob article, you will get one entry here. At the end of the contest, we will select two winners at random from this group.

(Note: Make sure you use @bitmob in your tweets, so we see them!)

Two (2) winners: The Facebook group

Follow us on Facebook and share any article from Bitmob. "Like" our Facebook page — then every time you "like" one of our Facebook wall posts/updates that links to a Bitmob story, you'll get one entry here. At the end of the contest, we will select two winners at random from this group.

Two (2) winners: The writers group

Write any article for Bitmob (using the "new post" link in the upper-right corner). Make it good, because if we pick your story for the front page (you'll get an email notification if we do), you're automatically entered for this section. When the contest ends, we will select two winners at random from this group.

Two (2) winners: The popular group

Write any article for Bitmob. At the end of the contest, we're going to find the two stories (posted during the contest period) which have the most hits, according to our back-end admin. The authors of those two posts will win this group.

(Hint: Use those social networking/sharing buttons to help increase your page views. Hint 2: The earlier you submit your stories, the better chance you'll have of winning this section. Hint 3: Make your article as good as possible, because if we decide to front-page it, it'll give you a huge, huge advantage.)

Other rules:

  • You must be registered on Bitmob with your real first and last name and a valid email address where we can contact you if you win. Made-up names are automatically disqualified.
  • We will cover shipping and handling of prizes to the continental U.S. If you live outside of the 48 states or in another country, we'll ask for a $15 U.S. PayPal transfer to help us cover costs.
  • Void where prohibited.

Good luck!