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It's official! My first purchase through Steam has finally clamored my descent into absolute destitution. Being able to purchase things at the drop of a (TF2 reference) hat is by far the worst idea ever for consumers. And I mean that only in the sense that our sense of fickle consumerism makes us buy much more than we need. Cue my newest additions.

My very first Steam purchase

As you can see, I'm finally the proud owner of Torchlight, where I can act out my Hack 'n Slash (now Action RPG) dreams. Just for the hell of it and because Steam suckered me in with their low, low price, I also bought into Tropico 3. And I didn't just go for the regular one, oh no; Steam marketing agents know exactly how to get sheep like me in line. Ergo, I went for the complete package, since I was going to go for it down the line anyway.

So here we are, mere moments before my irresponsible spending ushers in my downfall. With a digital outlet that lets me legally own all the games I want for pennies, I'm bound to be on the streets before long. This is all because my low impulse control is no match for a fraudulent need for materialism. I'm a consumer whore, but at least I'm upfront about it. None if this is necessary, but I do it anyway.