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EA really wants a billion dollar a year digital business. After shelling out $750 million for the digital savant PopCap to bolster their lineup, EA has announced plans to fleece $25 or (2000 Microsoft Points) from the hardest of the hardcore sports fans; those diehard enthusiasts that just can’t live without Madden for a few more days. Players can send EA $25 and become an EA Sports Season Ticket members, which grants access to participating games three whole days in advance via digital download; as well as a 20% discount on future DLC, a membership badge that shows up on your EA profile (we have those?), and the crown jewel in every marketing meeting – the very vague “free web content."

Keep in mind you’ll still have to trek out to the store if you want a physical copy of the game; which you will undoubtedly be doing since the digital copy you downloaded will lock once the game is released to the public. And that tantalizing free web content? It can be anything EA deems fit, so I hope you’re excited for behind the scenes footage of John Madden on his porch, yelling play by plays to passing cars. Other than Madden, which is an obvious choice, members can reap the benefits of early access and discounted DLC for EA’s other sports franchises like FIFA, NHL, Tiger Woods, and NCAA. Lastly, in another obvious move, EA has named Gamestop their exclusive partner for the roll out of their new endeavor to be a digital king.

If you recall, EA was one of the first – if not the first – company to employ the almost now standard $10 program; where customers that buy a used game get beheaded have to pay an extra $10 to access online multiplayer. If EA Sports Season Ticket is a success, I can expect to see other companies jumping on board with their games; regardless of not having a cohesive suite of games to include.

The EA Sports Season Ticket program will begin this year and will probably go on forever, so expect to hear about it from EA during the next few E3s.