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So you bought a Nintendo 3DS. Let me be the first to say welcome to the family. They say I should be upset about paying $250 dollars for something that's price went down in less than 6 months. Truth is I'm not upset. The Nintendo 3DS is the only thing I videogame console I play and has been since I bought it. Before the price went down I had invested 300 hours into Street Fighter 3D. It's safe to say I got my moneys worth. This post isn't about me though, it's about you and your new 3DS. With any new console comes questions and I'm here to help answer them.

The first question you probably have is what color should you choose? My answer would be the flame red that's coming September 9th to North America. If you can't wait that long you're choices are Aqua Blue and Cobalt Black. I went with Cobalt Black because I wanted to be more low key about having a 3DS. I remember when I bought a DSi kids younger than me instantly knew what it was. The Black 3DS gives kids the benefit of the doubt until they see the screen. The Aqua Blue 3DS is your way of telling the world you own a Nintendo 3DS. No shame in that, but it might attract some unwanted attention. The choice is yours.

Next question you might have is what games should you buy? I strongly recommend Street Fighter 3D. If you enjoyed playing Street Fighter when you were younger play this game. It is the be all end all to the Street Fighter franchise. The hardcore console Street Fighter Players should give this a try as well. I know you spent X amount of dollars on arcade sticks, but you gotta check this out. Only people I wouldn't recommend this two are people who never liked Street Fighter.

Another game to check out is Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. I'm personally not a big fan of the game. I got further than I did when I played it on the Gamecube, but I keep getting stuck. I hate walking around aimlessly trying to figure out what to do next. I respect the games legacy. It's the first 3DS game to sell one million units for a reason. If you haven't played Pokemon Black/White yet I also recommend that game. I've taken a break from playing it, but it was fun while I played it.

The last question you might have is how does the 3D effect look? My answer to that is it looks awesome. I initially thought the 3D meant that things would pop out at you, but that's not the case (so far.) The 3D really brings out the graphics in games that I've played. The background really comes to life when you turn the stereoscopic lens up. I can't play with the 3D too high for that long. My eyes begin to strain and I start seeing double on the screen. I usually keep the settings fairly low most of the time. I can still see the 3D and my eyes don't strain at all. Sometime I play with 2D. Either way I'm definitely enjoying my 3DS. I hope you enjoy yours.         

I hope I helped your journey with your 3DS. If you have any more questions feel free to ask. I'll do my best to answer them. Enjoy.