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So to spice things up I have this really awesome hamster that does cartwheels, but unfortunately forgot to bring him along for my introduction. I can still talk about myself, though sadly I weigh too much for gymnastics and I’m not exactly a hamster.

Anyway, my name is Sean and I’m a 24-year-old who has a great amount of appreciation for retro video games. Though I still enjoy a variety of modern selections, there’s nothing more relaxing to me than a bite from that pesky nostalgia bug. My favorite titles include Diablo, Final Fantasy IV, Illusion of Gaia, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Wolfenstein 3D. To give you a better idea of my appreciation for retro, the oldest systems I own are the Atari 2600 and the Coleco Vision. I've tried getting friends involved in some 2600 Bowling action but they keep jumping out the nearest window when I mention it. I guess these games are just too extreme for them to handle.

My wacky writing adventures lead me to Bitmob after hearing how diverse and exceptional it was, but my first serious blogging attempts took place in 2008 when I started posting on 1UP. After getting more comfortable with my writing abilities, I began to pursue freelance opportunities with outlets like (formerly and the Press Pause Radio podcast. I continue to manage editorials on Press Pause Radio’s website while occasionally hanging out on the show they do.


Since writing is one of my greatest passions, I’m returning to school to improve my skills and pursue a degree in journalism. Even though my writing has greatly improved since I began blogging, I know for a fact there's a truckload of fundamentals I need to master. Journalism and reporting are concepts that have intrigued me for many years, and like others I have hopes to professionally write about video games. Either way I'd have no problem writing about flowers, puppies, or flowers shaped like puppies — even though that sounds creepier than hell. You get the idea though: it's the writing and learning I love more than anything.

Aside from game playing and word creating, I like to read books, watch movies, cook, eat, and enjoy books or movies that happen to be about eating and cooking — including but not limited to programming found on the Food Network. My favorite book of all time is George Orwell’s 1984, and my favorite movie is the first Star Wars — not to be confused with The Phantom Menace. Yeah, that's right… put down your tomatoes.



And then there’s the super fun part: work. I’ve taken part time jobs in technical support, computer construction, computer repair, and electronics retailing. Though I love technology and everything it has to offer us, I’m not a fan of the problems it seems to cause the people who yell at me. Some of these people refuse to believe they can get these errors, and defend their position with bold statements like "I have a PhD," or "Are you trying to say I don't know what I'm doing?"

So these are the basics in the life of Sean. If I could give anyone a single piece of advice in all of this, it would be to never let go of your dreams or passions, no matter how many people try to convince you that you’re crazy for pursuing them. I’d also advise against forgetting your acrobatic hamster on show-and-tell day.


In closing, I leave you folks with this highly relevant and inspirational box art photo from one of my first articles, as you all wonder what I'll write about next: