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I sneaked around and hacked every computer I could find.
I read through emails and personal information.
I sat in air ducts and eavesdropped.
I stole money and guns.
I gained access to the morgue and convinced the medical examiner I was someone important.
I hacked a door that gave me access to a massive weapon stash.
I knocked a few guys out.
And I did all of these things while playing one game: Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
To me, Human Revolution isn’t as much about choice as it is about being rewarded through experimentation. I did all of those things because the game gave me the option. Sure, I had to play around with augmentations and upgrades, but I was able to enter previously inaccessible areas because I chose to explore.
During my aforementioned raid, I tranquilized three guards and obtained unlock codes for a non-essential area that was guarded by impassable security lasers. After disabling the beams, I suddenly found myself sorting through a cache of incredible weaponry and highly useful upgrades. My curiosity paid off.
Being able to make the choice between walking past locked doors or figuring out how to unlock them is incredible. Getting rewarded for my efforts, however, is a feeling that is far more gratifying. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is, quite simply, a great way to explore many different play styles, and the rewards you receive for investigating the game's world put it over the top.
It doesn’t get much better.