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I've noticed a large influx of new Gears of War 3 players on the multiplayer side of things. I know it’s a brand-new game, but many of my opponents seem like they’ve never played it before. I’m by no means an expert, but when I can go 24-2 in one round and 16-0 in the next, it’s pretty clear there are some genuine new players out there.

Gears' multiplayer modes have become my new obsession, so I have some general tips for any of you that may be having trouble or have yet to tackle them.

Taking the time to leer could get you killed….

1. Weapon selection is essential.

Too many players still have their Lancers out in close-quarters situations. As a rule, you should always have your shotgun equipped until you know the situation. In fact, if you decide to pick up a map-specific weapon like the Longshot or the Boomshot, leave behind your Lancer/Hammerburst and keep your Gnasher/Sawed-Off. The exception is the Scorcher. It is rarely a good idea to be stuck with a Scorcher/shotgun combo.

Get to know both shotguns — how they work and what their strengths and weaknesses are. Find out which one suit you best.


Experiment with each assault rifle as well. My experience with the beta taught me to love the Retro Lancer, although lately I’ve been using the regular Lancer as it has greater distance and accuracy.

2. Stay close to your team.

You don’t need to be bunched up in one area, but you should be aware of where your allies are and always have at least a wingman nearby. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve died because I went off alone (or was abandoned). There is no "Lone Wolf" mode in Gears of War. Take advantage of having four other players on your side.

Also, remember that you can "spot" enemies by clicking the left thumbstick when you have one in your crosshairs. This is especially helpful when your team secures an advantageous position.

It won't take you long to find your favorite map. Mine is Old Town.

3. Pick a mode that allows respawning.

Warzone and Execution are classic Gears modes and a ton of fun, but they make it difficult to grow as a player. Having to wait for the next round because of a rookie mistake is no fun. Start with Team Deathmatch or King of the Hill instead. These will allow you to make a mistake and quickly learn from it within the same round. It helps that these modes are also loads of fun.

4. Until you’ve confirmed otherwise, someone is hiding behind that wall.

Treat every corner like an ambush is waiting on the other side. With the Sawed-Off shotgun, this kind of ambush takes less skill than ever before. Believe me — it will happen. Give each corner a wide berth, and if you see someone, ready whichever weapon you think you’ll have success with. If he has a sawed-off, he’s probably going to get right in your face for that one-hit kill, so be careful.

Pay attention to load screens. A lot of people don't seem to know where to find the highly useful frag grenades in Checkout.

5. Learn the maps.

Basic layout, weapon and grenade spawn locations and rotations, choke points, sightlines…you need to know them all. I’ve seen people get killed in some maps because they didn’t think the One-Shot had an angle. It did.

6. The most obvious tip: have fun.

You will be one-hit killed with the Sawed-Off. Your teammates will blatantly steal your kills. Your Lancer will be beat by an incoming Gnasher. Enemies will camp around a critical weapon spawn location. So just have fun with it. If you like the teamwork mechanics of the game but you don’t like multiplayer, the Horde and Beast modes are great alternatives. Find your niche, and enjoy it.