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Batman: Arkham CityThe Community Spotlight highlights some of the best articles that didn't quite make the front page. This week, we've got a breakdown of Batman: Arkham City's ending, a discussion of what Call of Duty is doing to the industry, a review of game reviews, thoughts on Grand Theft Auto 5's trailer, and Zelda pumpkins. Now you can keep Halloween in your heart all year long!

Arkham anticlimax: Why Batman's latest really doesn't end well
By Chris Charlton
I just finished Arkham City (the story mode, at least) last night, and I haven't decided how I feel about the ending yet. Chris has, and he shares his thoughts with us in detail. Click through for his thorough analysis (spoilers, natch).

Call of Duty and the stagnation of a genre
By Judson Rose
It's impossible to ignore the popularity of the Call of Duty series. But Judson argues that that popularity is hindering new ideas in today's games. "What started out as an innovative leap has partially stagnated much of the genre," Judson writes. What do you think?

Thinking hard about the Grand Theft Auto 5 trailer
By Connor Sheridan
Connor has gleaned every bit of information possible from the first glimpse of Rockstar's latest opus, and he shares what he has learned here. Did anything stand out for you?

Needle in the arm: Why game reviews are killing us
By Steven Sukkau
Ah, game reviews…they're a favorite point of complaint for gamers everywhere. Steven is fed up, though. He's ready to cut himself off from his "review dependency" and enjoy his purchases on his own terms. "I am the only critic that counts," he writes. Preach on, brother.

My 14th video-game-themed pumpkin for 2011 is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
By Paul Gale
Our old friend Paul shares his seasonal squash with us, Triforce and all. Click through for a pic of his Tron-inspired Halloween costume, too.