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During one of my trips to the local Game shop I happened to come across a little boy trying to get his mother to buy him a copy of Modern Warfare 3; may I add that this boy was no older than 5 years of age !

After seeing this I simply looked at my friend, who was with me at the time, and shook my head in shame. This also led me to wonder if Call of Duty has been brainwashing the children of today.

If you ask someone a child what games they will be getting for Christmas this year I can almost guarantee that MW3 will be at the top of their list and my question is why ? There are so many other games that could be bought but for whatever reason all the kids seem to turn to Call of Duty. 

Now I'm not knocking Call of Duty by any means, it's obviously very popular and somewhat enjoyable in moderation but why are so many children playing the game when there are so many other games more suitable for them ?

Are their subliminal message in the adverts that make the children addicted to the game ?

What is worse is that parents will buy the game regardless of the fact that it's rated 18. When I was 8 years old I was playing Pokemon and Mario but these days all the 8 year olds are cussing each other over the internet because someone stopped them from 'boosting' on Call of Duty.

What are your thoughts ? Do you think that Call of Duty has been brainwashing children into only playing it ? Or is it just a fad that will dissapear in the coming years ?