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 One day before I die I would like to leave behind my top 10 all time greatest games I had the pleasure of playing and replaying. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is defiantly on this list, I just recently picked up the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for PS3. I played through MGS2 again for probably the tenth time in my life, to me this game is the definition of a classic. The graphics hold up surprisingly well for a PS2 game, the story is probably one of the deepest craziest things since The Matrix. The mechanics are simple but leave you with enough room to play the way you see fit, as much as I hate being caught by guards I love the little skirmishes I get into with them.

 Hiding in a locker while a group of armed guards search the room for me is always a fun yet very tense moment. If I had one major complaint about this game would be its bird’s eye view camera. It’s hard to go back to that when we live in a current generation of games where camera problems are a thing of past. Honestly I don’t feel like its broken but it defiantly forces you to play more stealthily which could be annoying when you just want to run through and mow people down. 

 God the soundtrack to the game is amazing I really love Harry Gregson-Williams work with the MGS series and it sets the tone for this game through out. Say what you will about the story it is crazy and far fetch and does drag on at times. Yes playing as Raiden isn’t as fun as playing as snake, he does get annoying with his constant doubts and questions but I feel like towards the end he does grows up a bit.

 This game is just an all time classic to me just like the original Mario is, no matter where I am or how old I will be. I will always enjoy popping this in and playing it, defiantly goes on my top 10 list. Where exactly? 

That’s a discussion for another day folks.