This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.
I recently asked the Bitmob staff which game guns they thought were some of the all-time coolest and best.
Stipulations: These had to come from the shooter genre (so Ratchet & Clank weaponry are out), and these had to be unique in some way and not just "good" in a practical sense (in other words: no FAMAS from Modern Warfare 2, no pistol from Halo: Combat Evolved).
Here are some of our picks:
BFG (Doom)
- Spartan Laser (Halo 3)
- Handheld Portal Device (Portal)
- Wunderwaffe DG-2 (Call of Duty: World at War)
- Shrink Ray (Duke Nukem 3D)
- Hammer of Dawn (Gears of War)
- Cerebral Bore (Turok 2)
- Nail Gun (Quake)
- Gravity Gun (Half-Life 2)
- Drunk-Missile Launcher (Rise of the Triad)
- Bullseye (Resistance)
- GES Bio-Rifle (Unreal Tournament)
- Land-Shark Gun (Armed and Dangerous)
- Badger Saw (Postal 3)
Your turn. Give us a short (short!) comment below, and tell us below what's your favorite game gun (something a little unusual, from a shooter — you can pick from the above list or give us a new one) and why this virtual death-dealer does what it does for you. If we get enough decent responses, we'll round them up for an upcoming post on Bitmob.