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There's a lot of sequels packed into next year's schedule, but what about the games that aren't? What of the multiplatform kind that won't require anyone to pull out their e-knives in an exclusivity rumble? Do such things even exist? Happily, they do (at least for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on this list), and not in some alternate universe.
Digging back through my previous survey sample of 2012's gaming lineup, and with one new addition, here's a sorted snap focusing on ten multiplatform titles that aren't suffering from pronounced cases of sequelitis with only a little reboot syndrome going around.

ETA – February 7, 2012
What is it?
Brought back from the dead with no ties to fate, it's up to you to discover the mysteries of Amalur and become its hero. It has a sort of “Fable” aesthetic only lathered over with deeper gameplay systems and far more options to be a belligerent badass wielding unstoppable power. And it's also the first piece of an ambitious MMO being planned around the same world.

ETA – February 21, 2011
What is it?
The controversial reboot of Syndicate as an FPS game makes it hard not to seem like a cop out to the FPS market with lip service paid to bits and pieces from its tactical original. Yet Starbreeze is responsible for the neck-breaking Riddick games, good solid shooters with plenty of atmospheric action, so there's enough promise there to make it exciting for a new generation of players. Veterans who remember the originals might not be as impressed, but I can't help but think that the videos actually make things look like they could be fun.

ETA – March 27, 2012
What is it?
A dragon has literally taken your heart and you have to discover why while depopulating caves, fields, and dungeons of nastiness. Epic monsters and bosses that celebrate Capcom's artists once again along with a sandbox-like approach to questing seem to be the ingredients for this upcoming dungeon crawl from Capcom.

ETA – Spring 2012
What is it?
The last Aliens game I played was in the arcade, but the one on the Apple was exciting stuff for me as I yelled “I'm in the pipe, five by five!” during the descent simulation. On the surface, this looks like another cut and dry shooter yet Gearbox is behind it. And the dirty future kept alive in the trailers along with the gameplay vids rolling out the welcome mat back to LV426 are keeping this xenomorph hunter cautiously optimistic.

ETA – TBA 2012
What is it?
Stumbled on this indie gem from a couple of ex-Bungie employees which I neglected to include on my previous list. It's a 2D shooter featuring co-op goodness in a sci-fi world of shadowy characters. I'm not kidding, the enemies and players have only one color – black. It's an early preview, though the solid gameplay sample looks good especially when it auto-splits the screen when both partners drift a little too far from each other. Definitely one to keep an eye on. Check out the video for more.

ETA – Q2 2012
What is it?
Arkane Studios (Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah) wants to take us to a place that seems to be a mix between colonial England, steampunk fantasy, and a little sci-fi weirdness of the mad science variety. As the titular protagonist, you'll also have powers that seem to be a blend between being the Prince of Persia and Harry Potter from Third Echelon to help clear your name. One thing that the game will also be looking at is how bloody your path will be to determine the kind of situations that evolve around you.

ETA – Q3 2012
What is it?
This series reboot takes Lara back as a 21-year old on her way to one of her first adventures, lost within a graveyard of ships somewhere off the coast of Japan. Crystal Dynamics' grittier and survivalist-oriented gameplay appears to be a far cry from the third-person action that the series is known for being, focusing more on realism and desperation than on bullets and uzis.

ETA – TBA 2012
What is it?
Designed by Valve alum, Kim Swift (Portal), this cartoonish first-person puzzler turns you into a kid dropped off at his genius uncle's mansion. He's also gone missing, but he's left his Interdimensional Shift Device behind allowing you to shift to four different dimensions to unlock the mystery.

ETA – TBA 2012
What is it?
An RPG based on South Park where players will star as a new kid on the block and have a chance to befriend Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny in an eventual bid to save the town. Much mayhem and chaos are expected as kids beat on each other for experience. More info has also trickled out on the game describing the handmade weapons appearing like refugees from a bad LARPing convention along with classes undoubtedly helping to poke even more fun at RPGs everywhere.

ETA – TBA 2012
What is it?
A side scrolling shooter reminiscent of titles such as SNK's Metal Slug or Konami's Contra where players can shoot many robots solo or with up to four players in co-op goodness. It's also the first title that Demiurge Studios (they also did the PC port for Mass Effect) has all to themselves as an original IP.
A side scrolling shooter reminiscent of titles such as SNK's Metal Slug or Konami's Contra where players can shoot many robots solo or with up to four players in co-op goodness. It's also the first title that Demiurge Studios (they also did the PC port for Mass Effect) has all to themselves as an original IP.10 Multiplatform Games that aren't sequels
There's a lot of sequels packed into next year's schedule, but what about the games that aren't? And consoles and PC's have their own exclusives to be happy about. What of the multiplatform kind shared between both camps?
From my previous survey sample of 2012's gaming lineup, and with one new addition, here's a sorted snap focusing on ten multiplatform titles betting on new IPs that fans of more than one platform will be able to to share in.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – 38 Studios, Big Huge Games (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
February 7, 2012
What is it?
Brought back from the dead with no ties to fate, it's up to you to discover the mysteries of Amalur and become its hero. It has a sort of “Fable” aesthetic only lathered over with deeper gameplay systems and far more options to be a belligerent badass wielding unstoppable power. And it's also the first piece of an ambitious MMO being planned around the same world.
Syndicate – Starbreeze Studios (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
February 21, 2011
What is it?
The controversial reboot of Syndicate as an FPS game makes it hard not to seem like a cop out to the FPS market with lip service paid to bits and pieces from its tactical original. Yet Starbreeze is responsible for the neck-breaking Riddick games, good solid shooters with plenty of atmospheric action, so there's enough promise there to make it exciting though no less of a hard sell to the fans of the original game.
Dragon's Dogma – Capcom (PS3, Xbox 360)
March 27, 2012
What is it?
A dragon has taken your heart, literally, and you have to discover why while depopulating caves, fields, and dungeons of nastiness. Epic monsters and bosses that celebrate Capcom's artists once again along with a sandbox-like approach to questing seem to be the ingredients for this upcoming dungeon crawl from Capcom.
Aliens: Colonial Marines – Gearbox Software, TimeGate Studios (Multi)
Spring 2012
What is it?
The last Aliens game I played was in the arcade, but the one on the Apple was exciting stuff for me as I yelled “I'm in the pipe, five by five!” during the descent simulation. On the surface, this looks like another cut and dry shooter, but Gearbox is behind it and the dirty future kept alive in the trailers along with the gameplay vids rolling out the welcome mat back to LV426 are keeping me cautiously optimistic. It's still bizarre how enough colony survived the fusion explosion, but if it means using pulse rifles and automated turrets to send xenomorphs on to their personal hells, it won't matter.
Fallen Frontier – Moonshot Games (PC, PSN, XBL)
TBA 2012
What is it?
Stumbled on this gem from a couple of ex-Bungie employees which I neglected to include on my previous list. It's a 2D shooter featuring co-op goodness in a sci-fi world of shadowy characters. I'm not kidding, the enemies and players have only one color – black. It's an early preview, though the gameplay sample looks good, auto-splitting the screen when both partners drift a little too far from each other.
Dishonored – Arkane Studios (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Q2 2012
What is it?
Arkane Studios (Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah) is behind this. It looks set in a place that seems to be a mix between colonial England, steampunk fantasy, and a little sci-fi weirdness of the mad science variety. As the titular protagonist, you'll also have powers that seem to be a blend between being the Prince of Persia and Harry Potter from Third Echelon to help clear your name. One thing that the game will also be looking at is how bloody your path will be to determine the kind of situations that evolve around you.
Tomb Raider – Crystal Dynamics (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
TBA Q3 2012
What is it?
A reboot of the series, this takes Lara back as a 21-year old on her way to one of her first adventures, lost within a graveyard of ships somewhere off the coast of Japan. Crystal Dynamics' grittier and survivalist-oriented gameplay appears to be a far cry from the third-person action that the series is known for being, focusing more on realism and desperation than on bullets and uzis.
Quantum Conundrum – Airtight Games (PC, PSN, XBLA)
TBA 2012
What is it?
Designed by Valve alum, Kim Swift (Portal), this cartoonish first-person puzzler turns you into a kid dropped off at his genius uncle's mansion. He's also gone missing, but he's left his Interdimensional Shift Device behind allowing you to shift to four different dimensions to unlock the mystery.
South Park: The Game – Obsidian Entertainment, THQ (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
TBA 2012
What is it?
An RPG based on South Park where players will star as a new kid on the block and have a chance to befriend Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny in an eventual bid to save the town. Much mayhem and chaos are expected.
Shoot Many Robots – Demiurge Studios (PC, PSN, XBLA)
TBA 2012
What is it?
A side scrolling shooter reminiscent of titles such as SNK's Metal Slug or Konami's Contra where players can shoot many robots solo or with up to four players in co-op goodness. It's also the first title that Demiurge Studios (they also did the PC port for Mass Effect) has all to themselves as an original IP.