This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.
Woah…OK, please stop. That's not what I meant, but I appreciate your enthusiasm.
Earlier this week, I shared some of the useless gaming accessories I've accumulated over the years. Now, we're looking for articles about your own abandoned pieces of plastic. The catch: You have to unearth your forgotten gizmos and spend some quality time with them first.
Judging from that article's comments section, a lot of you have long-neglected doodads that you keep telling yourself you'll get back to "someday." Well, here's your chance to strap on your Power Glove, throw down your Activator, or rescue your Steel Battalion controller from that time-forsaken corner of the basement.
You can write whatever you want, but here are some ideas if you need a helpful nudge:
- What's the story behind the accessory? How and why did you come to own it?
- Why do you still have it?
- How has the experience held up? Is it a reunion of old friends, or do you hate yourself for ever thinking this thing would be fun?
If everyone has their comically large feather dusters ready, here's how to participate:
1. Write anything you want about your new experience with your old gadget via the "New Post" link in the upper-right corner of the site. Make sure you're registered (using your real name!) and logged in.
2. Put "Shame Is Plastic" in your headline so we can find your story. Example: "The past and present of Virtual Boy-induced vomiting (Shame Is Plastic)."
3. Post your article by January 31. We'll collect everyone's contributions shortly thereafter.
Do you think you're up to the challenge? Excellent.
Now go wash your hands.