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Yeah, it's one of those cheesy top ten lists. This one will be fun though cause you get to be all nostalgic remembering the ten games that had the most memorable gameplay for you. To be more specific, I'm going to list my top ten games that impressed me the most. Either because the gameplay was something totally innovative, or because it was just damn fun and I spent a ton of time with it. Anyways, let's get to it! Starting from number ten:

10. Mortal Kombat 3                                                                                                  
Fighting games were big for me as a kid, and MK was one of the most memorable of that era. There was plenty of characters to choose from and even more crazy fun fatalities and the such to quickly read off your notebook and try to execute in game before the other character fell over. 
9. Doom
Playing Doom as a kid cemented me as an FPS fan for life. I remember going out to a LAN center with my cousin and brother and playing for hours against them in this deathmatch they'd have set up. It was certainly one of the most fun gaming experiences I can recall.
8. Tekken
Seeing Tekken for the first time is a memory ingrained in my brain. It was the first time I got up close and personal with a 3D game, and I was amazed! I just stumbled across a Tekken cabinet in an arcade and remember seeing the fighters going at it and I was just completely blown away. Oh, and the game played pretty damn good too.
7. Sonic 2
It's hard to single out a Sonic game to pick out of the first 4 Genesis 
games, but I have fond memories of playing through this game several times as a kid. I think it's the ending that makes this game most memorable, I thought Metal Sonic was just awesome, and Mecha Dr. Robotnik was one of the most intimidating video game foes I had faced up to that point.
6.  Phantasy Star Online
Playing PSO in its heyday is something hard to describe. It's kind of a 
you had to be there sort of thing. I mean playing online on a console in a fun RPG was amazing. But the most memorable thing was the community of the game. I ended up using it as a glorified chat room to talk with friends I had made more than playing the actual game, but that social aspect of the game just makes it that much more memorable. 
5. Jewel Master
Say what you will, but I frickin' love this game. Combining different rings to customize your magic attacks was the coolest back then. The bosses were also pretty darn cool, who can forget about skeletal Alf?!
4. Skies of Arcadia
I remember reading a review in ODCM (loved that magazine!) and figured 
I'd give it a crack and see what the fuss was about. Holy crap was this one of those rare, sweet times where a game actually exceeds all of your expectations. It looked fantastic for its time and the characters and story were fun and interesting. I still remember the scene where *spoilers* Gregorio sacrifices himself for you. Even with the bright almost cartoony graphics it was one of the most moving RPG moments I can recall. Love that battle system too! How refreshing was it to play an RPG that encourages you to use your skills every fight instead of being afraid of eating your mana up.
3. Fighting Force
Fighting Force was just a damn fun game. It felt like a spiritual 
successor to Streets of Rage. You had beat'em up combat, but in frickin' 3D! But the biggest twist was you could pull anything from the environments and beat your enemies with it. This is the first game I can remember giving me such a sense of freedom as I just pull railings off the walls and beat people with'em. It's too bad Fighting Force 2 turned out to be not as much fun. 
2. Shenmue
The time I spent playing through Shenmue is unlike other video game memories. The game sucks you into its world and gives you this sense of freedom and immersiveness unlike any other game before it. The time I spent playing this game, I felt more like I was actually living this characters life more than just playing a game. Being able to interact with everything and everyone in the game world really helped make the game more engaging. I just hope we eventually get to see the conclusion to that story!
1. Diablo II
I just can't think of any other game I sunk more hours into and have
more memories of than Diablo II. This is a game you can install and play and have just as much fun today as you did, what 12 years ago? Maybe it's the inner loot whore in me, but Diablo II provides some of the most fun you can have in gaming. Like other games in this list Diablo II is a game that helped craft a new genre of games. That's something you really don't see anymore, and I think that's what makes these games so memorable.
I'd really love to hear what memories my fellow gamers have had throughout their video game career!