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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is quite a bit different than the Nintendo 64 original. This new version has updated graphics, modified controls, and a hint system that keeps you from getting lost (an occasional problem in this series). Even Navi, your fairy guide throughout the adventure, has a helpful new tip to aid you in your quest: Turn off the game!

Okay, maybe it’s less helpful and more…completely unnecessary.

Navi can't handle her workload


Unfortunately, Nintendo decided to reinforce one of their newest (and most frustrating) habits for Ocarina of Time’s jump to the third dimension: reminding you to take a break from playing every hour or so. Sure, it’s commendable for a company that wants my entertainment money to also want me to enjoy their entertainment responsibly, but their concern is pointless in this case.

Any fan knows that this game’s structure leaves room for places to take a natural rest from adventuring without needing to be goaded into it by a tiny fairy. Most of the game takes place in underground dungeons which are not only full of enemies but also puzzles that require you to utilize an ever-expanding assortment of tools in a variety of clever ways. The solutions to these aren't always clear, and hitting a mental roadblock at one can cause some tension.
I think it's accurate to say that most players will get stuck somewhere in Ocarina of Time (Water Temple, anyone?) or get frustrated by repeatedly falling for a trap that they haven’t encountered before (like invisible pits that can only be seen with a certain item). Discovering the right path can be difficult sometimes, and players will occasionally find themselves stumbling around for a while with no idea of what to do next.


These are the moments when I take a break. Once I’m away for a few hours, my brain will start to drift back to the land of Hyrule and demand that I solve these mysteries. When I come back and look over a troublesome room with fresh eyes, sometimes it’ll seem like the solution has been written on the wall the whole time.

That's why I don’t need Navi constantly suggesting that I rest. Even if I don’t do what she says, just being interrupted by her is enough to disrupt my flow. I don't know if Navi’s tip is more successful with other people, but it makes me seriously consider having one more marathon session out of spite.

Maybe I’ll never stop playing. Take that, you stupid fairy.