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April hasn't been quite as exciting as March in terms of releases, but we can always pass the time watching videos for games that are going to release soon!

Video Blips:

• Ever wanted to take down a cockatrice? Dragon's Dogma has you covered. Why waste time killing boring dragons in Skyrim when you can take down one with a rooster's head?

Continue after the break for a little combo exploitation in Skullgirls and a lot of muder and blood in Prototype 2.


• Skullgirls has only been out for one week and fans are already exploiting its combo system. Seriously, how do people remember combos like that? I thought I was going to be able to keep up with the top players if I got the title on day one, but it already looks like I'm falling behind.

• Prototype 2 proves that it's all about killing, blood, and just more of the same. Remember when everyone used to compare Prototype and inFamous? Man, how those titles ended up having different gameplay and themes.