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After months of intense Role Playing Game action, why not let some steam out with a little bloody action. Because seriously, what else are you going to buy this week?

Remember. Release dates are quite literally made at the whims of the publisher.  The following are subject to change without any warning.


Releases To Watch For This Week

Prototype 2

Prototype 2 (Xbox 360, PS3)

Tuesday April 24, 2011

So Prototype sucked. Sort of, not really, yeah, well no, maybe, kinda. As you can tell, I’m kind of torn on that one. Being a huge fan of The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction from way back yonder that is 2005, Prototype should have been the sequel Ultimate Destruction that I’ve always wanted. Instead the main protagonist, Alex Mercer comes off as incredibly unsympathetic, and the city of New York City with heavy emphasis on the quotation marks feels incredibly lazy given the absolute dearth of details put into it. So what can a sequel do to fix all that? First off, we call a spade a spade and made Mercer a villain.

In Prototype 2 New York City has once again become Ground Zero for a virus labeled as the Mercer virus and has claimed many victims including James Heller’s wife and kid. Obsessed with Mercer, Heller confronts him, which did not end well given Mercer’s abilities. Instead of killing him though, Mercer infects Heller with the virus giving him all of Mercer’s abilities. As Heller, you’ll have to uncover the truth behind new outbreak in New York City and just how exactly does Mercer fit into this.

Not much has changed since Prototype. Heller will still be able to run up buildings, squirrel glide his way around the city, morph his arms into different deadly forms, eat people to get health, and generally do some badass things with his viral powers. All and all, Prototype 2 looks to keep just about everything that makes the first one good while fixing up the things that didn’t work. Heller already sounds like a far more sympathetic character, even if this character type has already been done to death in just about every other bloody action game out there. Location wise, this New York City does look a step above the “New York City” of Prototype given the more varied colors of the buildings and signage, but so far nothing of the city shown in the various trailers screams NYC quite just yet. These changes have the potential to make Prototype 2 a better game than its predecessor, but that remains to be seen.


Coming This Week

Wednesday April 25, 2012

Shifting World (3DS)

Funny how things that start off as innovative inevitably turn into overused. Shifting World plays like your standard platformer, but you’re given three simple abilities. One ability lets you flatten the 3D world into 2D so that objects normally in the background suddenly become usable as a platform. Another lets you rotate the entire world effectively changing the gravity of the world in whatever direction you rotated. The last one at least has the decency of being original to this game. You can shift the completely black and white world to its opposite. What was once black becomes white and vice versa effectively changing the world’s geometry. Finally, a game my dog can play!


Late to the Party

  • 8/3/2009Firefighter 3D (Port of Real Heroes: Firefighter (3DS) 4/24/2012



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