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Time for a shameful confession: I didn't beat Deus Ex: Human Revolution when it came out last year.
In fact, I can think of quite a few games that came out last year that I either didn't finish or just straight-up missed. And I have to get the guilt off my chest.
Since we're all one happy support group here at Bitmob, I thought you'd like to join me. And, as always at the 'Mob, when we play games, we write about them. That means it's time for another Bitmob Wants You writing prompt.
Here's how this is gonna go down:
1. Play and write an article about an older game (before 2012) you haven't finished. A few hundred words will suffice, although you can go longer if you'd like.
2. Make sure you put Backlog in the tags for your article. That'll make it easy for me to find and collect them later. And be sure to tag any other games your article mentions.
3. Post your articles on Bitmob by Tuesday, May 8. That will give you two full weeks to tackle any title of your choosing. You don't necessarily have to finish the game you pick, though — just write about it.
If you want a perfect example, check out this article that Bitmobber Mark Purcell just posted about 2009 XBLA title Shadow Complex.
Got it? Then go forth, play, and write!