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At last, we're starting to see some big announcements drop as E3 starts to creep closer.

Video Blips:

• Sega announces the release date for Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown. I'm excited about finally having online multiplayer for Virtua Fighter 5 on PS3, but those dynamic stages might take the win in my book.

Continue after the break to race across the world in Carnimalz, then do some sports while you're at it in Summer Stars 2012.


• While Carnimalz may sound like a clever mix on "carnival" and "animal," it's really about animal cars. I can just imagine every animal lover getting giddy over racing across such wonderful, untouched environments…in a car that looks like an animal.

• Summer Stars 2012 shows us how successful we can be if we just put our minds to it. It also makes me realize how I'm never going to do any of those sports since I'd rather play a game about it. Oh, I'm so lazy.