This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

Street Fight X TekkenThe Community Spotlight features some of the best unedited articles that didn't quite make the front page. This week, we trade blows with fighting games, examine the pros and cons of the Circle Pad on the Nintendo 3DS XL, discuss what it means to be a fanboy, and more.

Fighting games are the worst
By Mark Purcell

Calm down, fighter fans — before you starting throwing hadoukens, check out what Mark has to say. He writes: "The EVO Tournament is the inspiration for this article. Seeing all these players being able to chain combos and make the fighting look sophisticated, it makes me sick, because I know a much more simple and effective way to victory: Just spam an attack." (…OK, now you can fight.)

One Circle Pad is plenty, thanks
By Justin Davis

A lot of folks were upset when Nintendo revealed its latest model of 3DS…and it still didn't have two Circle Pads. Justin's all right with the decision, though. He argues that "some of the best games on the DS were the ones that worked with the control 'limitations.' " Do you agree?

How music in games can subtract from the experience you want to have
By Will Gaub

As you all know, I kinda like this whole music thing. But Will claims that sometimes switching off the sound can provide a superior experience. He points to the radio selections in Fallout 3 as making the game less intense and immersive. Interesting thoughts.

Why I'm concerned about the Wii U
By Nathaniel Dziomba

We've had more than a few articles lately expressing doubts about the Wii U. Nathaniel's take is a little different; he doesn't doubt that the new system will be fun to play. He's just worried that it won't sell well. He writes: "Nintendo needs to differentiate themselves from Microsoft and Sony once again, but without losing their real supporters this time."

Am I a fanboy?
By Dan Chruscinski

I think the worst of our "fanboy wars" are behind us as a community, but Dan still wonders about the definition of the term. "The way I see it, I love certain series, and the consoles are just the route I take to satisfy my love," he writes. (And to answer your final question, Dan: Not quite!)