This post has not been edited by the GamesBeat staff. Opinions by GamesBeat community writers do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

Mario Kart 64The Community Spotlight features some of the best unedited articles that didn't quite make the front page. This week, we look back at Nintendo 64 games that still hold up, give in to the lure of griefing, speculate on the next title from Batman: Arkham City developer Rocksteady, and more. Grab the nearest item block and read on.

The top 5 Nintendo 64 games to play today
By Jordan McCollam

The Big N's 64-bit machine hasn't aged terribly well, but it still does one thing well: multiplayer games. Each of Jordan's picks are plenty of fun to play with friends right now. (Just watch out for those lightning bolts.)

How I temporarily became a griefer
By Eric MacMillan

Any game with a built-in economy carries the potential for bad user behavior, and Eric found out just how easy it was to exploit this system in Diablo II. Remind me never to buy anything from you on Craigslist, Eric.

Games that Rocksteady could make instead of Batman
By Trevor Hinkle

Developer Rocksteady has gained fame and respect for its pair of Batman titles. Here, Trevor imagines some new directions that the studio could take, including tackling other superheroes, open-world sandboxes, or combat-heavy brawlers. I'd play any of those.

Beating the system
By Joshua Kirn

Joshua explores the time-honored tradition of finding and exploiting loopholes and glitches in games (and the real-world application of this principle). For example, he writes: "I remember listening to my junior English teacher in particular and figuring out exactly how to get top grades on my essays." Kids these days.

'We have met the enemy and he is us'
By Nathaniel Dziomba

Nathaniel examines the way enemies are portrayed in modern military shooters, such as Call of Duty or Spec Ops: The Line. How do you feel about the foes you take aim at in games?