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Timed to coincide with the release of Payday's new Wolf Pack DLC, Steam community member Ryan Johnson will be hosting the Payday 24-Hour Charity Livestream on August 8th.
This will be the first Payday-related charity event and is sponsored by the game's developer, Overkill. All donations are ultimately intended to go to the Child's Play charity, the goal being to raise a modest minimum or $500. The livestream can be found at and will run from 12:00 pm EST, August 8th to 12:00 pm EST, August 9th. The original announcement can be viewed on Youtube.
"I had the idea back in March, and I messaged Overkill about it in early April, Simon Viklund (audio and creative director for Payday, and voice actor for Bain) messaged me almost immediately saying you have our full support and will help promote the event. On a side note, it's kinda funny Bain is the one helping me set everything up because that's also his job in-game," says Johnson, who is known in the Payday community by his Steam handle, VyseM4H.
The many faces of Vyse. |
The stream will feature a rotating roster of volunteer players from the Steam Payday community. The plan is to do a special challenge for every $100 milestone. The challenges as described by Johnson himself:
- The $100 Noob Lube Challenge – People who have never played the game before join me as I run them through an overkill difficulty map. Every mistake they make, including failing the heist, will result in me getting slapped a lot by my sister, who is former military.
- The $200 Three Stooges Challenge – Simply any time something bad happens in-game (getting tazed, knocked down, etc) my sister will be standing behind me slapping the **** out of me.
- The $300 Mystery Challenge – This will be revealed during the livestream.
- The $400 SOURCE Challenge – I will consume one drop of The Source Hotsauce (7.1 million Scoville units) and run a heist, which I did for a previous video and which almost put me in the hospital.
- The $500 Mystery Challenge – This is a secret for now, but I'll announce it after I recover from The Source. I promise you it's ****ing nasty.
"The whole theme of the challenges is that children are suffering in hospitals worse than I will be, so I dont mind suffering," Johnson explains.
Overkill has provided some incentive for the most charitable donors in the form of official Payday masks (signed and unsigned), a Payday tie and a Payday money-clip. The items will be awarded by the most generous donor getting first pick of a single item, the second most generous donor getting second pick and on down the line.
More details can be found on the Steam forums in this thread or by contacting Johnson through his Youtube channel.