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One week in trying to play inFAMOUS 2.

I haven't had a lot of game play time recently, and might not have much in the near future, so the last two weeks have been an orgy of gaming. I really wanted to play a PS3 game…

Sunday Night

11 PM: Finish SpecOps: The Line on the PC. Emotionally drained, I decide it's time for something lighter from my backlog pile.

Monday Night

8 PM: inFAMOUS 2 seems like a good choice. I enjoyed the first game. Unwrap game, insert in PS3, turn on.

8:05 PM: Why doesn't this start at 'play the game'? Shouldn't that be your primary function? Find 'play the game' in XBM, hit X.

8:06 PM: 'You need to download 4 updates for this game.' Well crud. I could skip them, but these days you don't want to skip a fix for something that could break your save game and leave you unable to finish. Okay, download.

8:15 PM: This is taking a while… it's only at 1%.

8:16 PM: Unwrap Gears of War 3, put in in the XBox 360. It boots to 'X to play the game or Y for game info'. I hit Y and 'install to hard drive'.

8:21 PM: GoW3 is completely installed to hard drive. Hit A to Play.

8:22 PM: There is a patch for this game. You must download it. Okay, okay.

8:25 PM: Patch downloaded, installed. Play game.

11:?? PM: I've finished the entire first act of Gears of War 3. The PSN updates aren't done downloading. I shut off the XBox 360, leave the PS3 downloading, go to sleep.

Tuesday Morning

Well, the PS3 is in hibernation. It probably finished.

Tuesday Night

Start installing Max Payne 3 on the PC, all 30 gigs (!). Keep playing Gears.

Thursday Night

Finish Gears of War 3. Start Max Payne 3.

Monday Night

Finish Max Payne 3. Tomorrow, I'll play inFAMOUS 2. It's already installed and updated!

Tuesday Night

9:00 PM: Okay, time for inFAMOUS 2! Also, Papa and Yo is out today, that's getting good reviews. Boot the PS3.

9:01 PM: 'Sorry, you need to fsck [check your hard drive for errors] your PS3. I'm rebooting. You have no choice.' WHAT? Well, okay.

9:05 PM: 'What's new?' 'Papa and Yo *click*'. 'There is a mandatory system update.' … Well okay.

9:15 PM: Damn, only 5% done? Wander off.

9:16 PM: Download Dynamite Jack from Steam – it's in my backlog pile.

9:18 PM: Dynamite Jack is done, start playing. It starts pretty simple, but then gets more fiendish.

9:40 PM: Whoops, better check the PS3.

9:41 PM: PS3: 'There was an error downloading the update, we aborted..' (Hint: It was not my network.) Restart the download.

9:42 PM: More Dynamite Jack

10:30 PM: Check the PS3 again. Oh my god, it's done! Okay, Papa and Yo.

10:31 PM: Oho Papa and Yo is normally $15, but it's on sale for $12, I guess Sony learned from Valve's launch sales! Buy!

10:32 PM: 'Ha ha ha, you're not a PS+ member. We're not going to give you the sale price unless you upgrade to PS+ right now. Why not pay $50/yr for the stellar network performance you've just experienced?'  Suddenly, the game I'd normally pay $15 for looks like a bad deal when the $12 sale is yanked out from under me. I realize that Sony's only made the game seem less appealing, yet can't overcome it. Cancel. Exit PS Store.

10:35 PM: Find 'play the game' and hit X.

10:36 PM: Mandatory install for inFAMOUS 2 – it goes fairly fast, at least!

10:40 PM: The game is installed, title screen comes up.. Hit start new game just to test the waters… Continue save game with good karma… We have cutscene! I feel like we just landed a rover on Mars.

10:45: Time for bed.


We'll see. I might even be able to play the game today. And it only took nine days.

Didn't we make jokes about this at the start of this console generation, thinking those were ludicrous hyperbole? Next thing you know we'll be downloading buggy updates for our cars! Hahahaha, no way!