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The results from our latest Bitmob Wants You writing prompt are in! We asked you to take a moment and share your thoughts on the phenomenon that is indie games, and eight of you rose to the challenge with excellent articles (some of which have already hit the front page). Many thanks to all who participated.

Without further ado, then, I present the Indie Games Collection. Check out the summaries below, click through, and enjoy.

(Oh, and if you missed out on this challenge, never fear — we'll have another one for you very soon!)

Clown Stripe, meet Seffy Roth
By Jacob Reyes

Jacob tells us about iOS title Dungeon Village, from those purveyors of digital addiction, Kairosoft. This particular game is about creating an RPG-style "town" that wandering warriors can use to stock up on goods, but as Jacob points out, Kairosoft sticks to a familiar formula that doesn't change much between titles.

How I became an indie gamer
By Mark Reeth

Mark saw himself as a mainstream, hardcore player who didn't need to bother with what he considered inferior products from indie developers. Then he tried puzzle-platformer Trine. Suffice it to say that it changed his tune.

Click through for more of your articles.


Video interview: Island Officials, the indie developer in my own backyard
By Jordan Minor

Jordan stumbled upon these folks in his hometown this summer and took the initiative to film his own profile. Click through for the video; it's a cool watch (and features pixelated Abraham Lincolns).

The art of fart: An indie channel treatise on gassy gaming
By Patrick Morgan

You can probably guess where this is going. Patrick examines five flatulent indie titles and rates them on a scale of…you know what, you better just read it yourself. Hey, just because indie games can tackle important, mature themes doesn't mean they have to.

My indie insight
By Edward Varnell

Like Mark above, Edward wasn't buying most of the indie titles these days. Unlike Mark, though, he hasn't changed his mind yet. He writes: "If it isn’t a mod of some other company game, retro-influenced, or a rip-off app for two seconds of play, indie games don’t offer much." What do you think?

Indie game Dark Quest proves gameplay is what matters
By Brandon Guerrie

Brandon's review showcases the kind of interesting, off-the-wall content the indie scene provides. Dark Quest's concept probably wouldn't meet a big-name publisher's approval, but it's great that the possibility for such experiences still exists.

A war of two worlds: The difference between Minecraft and Terraria
By Carson Wilber

"At first glance," Carson writes, "Terraria appears to be sprited using simplified Minecraft textures. "However, for the new or open-minded users who choose to buy the game…the experience is unique and challenging." Which of these open-world, block-building titles do you favor?

Indie titles are the motorcycles of the gaming world
By Nathaniel Dziomba

Nathaniel's metaphor seems strange, but don't write it off; his description of what motorcycles could provide (that automobiles could not) fits pretty well with the current state of the indie scene. He writes: "All I know is that I can feel the same type of freedom while playing indie games as I do when riding out on the open road."