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Writing this now I can’t help but think of the countless moments of sheer joy, encountered when playing the JC2 MP mod – trawling Panau city in a tank blowing away careless players that decided to try and speed past me; mindlessly firing rockets at frustrated pilots trying to lift off from the city airport and laughing hysterically when gliding my plane into a sea of nametags at the airport spawn and watching the chat explode into a blind rage because of my “damned” antics.

There wasn’t a moment of peace from when I entered the server, which accommodates around 2000 players worldwide, to when I left. Not once did the ominous rattle of gunfire or splatter of impacting rockets subside. Every player had a nefarious streak to them, it seemed. The server was in a constant state of lawless terror, but that is what made the erratic experience brilliantly fun.

The sheer size and scope of just cause 2 lends itself to a multiplayer component. The 220 square kilometre map adds endless possibilities for adventurous hijinks with friends. The weapons, vehicles and swarms of Rico’s (just cause 2’s protagonist) are a catalyst for chaos and havoc making for a potent concoction of multiplayer hilarity.

All I could ask myself throughout the weekend was why did just cause 2 not ship with a multiplayer mode? It’s not rocket science. The mod, a few megabytes in size, was almost counter-intuitively simple to install. After extracting two files with a few lines of code in, I was ready to go. Such an addition wouldn’t have cost the developers millions to implement, and the longevity of just cause 2 would have been affected tremendously. The 22,420 unique players that logged in over the weekend make that question very hard to answer.

If, like me, you take pleasure in the misery of others then I urge you to try your hand at the raucous affair that is the Just cause 2 multiplayer mod. The game runs seamlessly, the server is somewhat laggy but the creators have said to be reforming any issues in the next iteration of the mod. Day Z and now this, 2012 is looking to be a great year for mods and PC gaming in general.