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Borderlands 2

Welcome, Vault Hunters! Here you will find the results of our latest Bitmob Wants You community writing prompt. And the articles you've written are worth their weight in bullymong hides.

(Wait, do those have value? Would they have more value if I called them Bonerfart hides? Huh. No matter.)

Anyway, the point is, these articles are great, and it's all thanks to our stalwart Bitmob community. Check 'em out below.

I'm not here to save the planet
By Ansis Fãrts

Ansis likes the simplicity of Borderlands 2's setup. Yes, there's a story, and yes, you're nominally a "good guy," but as Ansis writes, "At the end of the day, what really makes the world of Borderlands special is that you're just someone with a lot of guns and a lot of desire to put those bullet hoses to use."

I don't think I have the time any more to enjoy Borderlands 2
By Leigh Harrison

It's not that Leigh doesn't like Borderlands. On the contrary: "I was truly hooked by Borderlands. I played it solo and exhausted every quest before the finale, fully aware that I would inevitably begin a new game plus upon its completion." That didn't end up happening, though. Read on to find out why.

Click through for more of your articles.


Ellie Hodunk

The love song of Ellie Hodunk
By Jacob Reyes

Jacob's got a list of things he loves about Borderlands 2…and yes, Scooter's larger relative is involved. "The interplay between Ellie and Scooter really epitomizes the snappy, eclectic dialogue that makes me want to keep coming back to play," Jacob says.

Borderlands 2 suffers from pirate story tropes
By Alexander Kraus

Alexander points out that pirate stories, while fun, don't have much staying power if the characters' only purpose is to find buried treasure. "Beyond revenge against Handsome Jack and claiming the treasure from the vault," he writes, "what does motivate your character in Borderlands 2?" Fair question.

Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2.0: Gearbox made the perfect sequel
By Mark Purcell

"A sequel doesn't have to be innovative compared the original," Mark writes. "It only needs to improve upon what made the original so special." He lists those improvements in his review, praising developer Gearbox for listening to its fans.

How being a teetotaler inspired my first immersive gaming moment
By Justin Davis

We featured this one in last week's Spotlight, but it deserves mention here, too. Justin's non-drinker status led him to an interesting experience when confronted with a mission on Borderlands 2 where you character is required to get sloshed.