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Assassin's Creed 3

Yeah, the game doesn't come out until the 30th. But we just can't wait.

The Assassin's Creed series is finally getting a new numbered entry, and we want you, the noble Bitmob community, to write about it.

The usual rules apply: You're welcome to write up a simple review if you like, but we'd love to see you tap into that famous Bitmob creativity, too. It doesn't have to be long or fancy…anything that tells us how you feel about the game is fine by us.

If you do need a few ideas, feel free to use any of these:

  • How does AC3's colonial-America setting change the fundamental gameplay, if at all?
  • As new protagonist Connor Kenway, you'll fight foes from both sides of the American Revolution. How does that affect your motivation as a player?
  • You'll meet more recognizable historical figures in AC3. How accurately are they portrayed?

Ready to write? Here's how to participate:

1. Write any article related to Assassin's Creed 3. A few hundred words will suffice, although you can go longer if you'd like.

2. Make sure you put Assassin's Creed 3 (note: not III) in the tags for your article — and don't forget to tag any other games you mention.

3. Submit your articles to the Mobfeed by Wednesday, November 7. We'll publish the collected works the following day.

Sound good? Then grab your gear, Assassin, and get going.