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Resident Evil 2

We're about to enter the crazy period of time in our industry known as the holidays, but check out these reviews for some classic titles and recent releases that you might have missed before all of those triple-A experiences swamp your gaming collection.

Gravity RushGravity Rush: More, please
By Billy Guinigundo

Gravity Rush is my game of the year so far. I don't think Billy is quite as enthusiastic as I am, but he still has a lot of nice things to say about this PlayStation Vita exclusive. "The gravity-shifting mechanic created a vertical dimensionality to the play space that was parts disorienting, creative, and, ultimately, exhilirating."

The best of gaming horror: Evil comes to Raccoon City
By Stan Rezaee

Stan looks back at Resident Evil 2, one of the most popular survival-horror games for the original PlayStation. "Despite its now obvious plot holes and anomalies, Resident Evil 2 still remains a classic example of a good horror game and a sequel that successfully improved over its predecessor."

Holding up in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
By Javy Gwaltney

Let's keep the classic vibe going with Javy's review of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. How does it hold up? Pretty well, according to Javy. "The graphics haven’t aged well, sure, but everything else is just as superb as it was a decade ago."


Blue Dragon: An overlooked remedy
By J.C. Wigriff

OK, few would call Blue Dragon a classic, but J.C. argues that this Japanese role-playing game deserves more love than it gets. "I implore you, if you are a fan of JRPGs, especially a fan of “old-school” JRPGs, go out and get yourself a copy of Blue Dragon."

Blue Dragon

Pokemon Blue: A retro rant (review)
By Nick Pino

More retro love! This one's for the original Pokemon adventure on the first GameBoy. "Accessible to all ages and skill levels, the game becomes all-inclusive, a whole-hearted attempt in a half-hearted industry and a living memory for all those who enjoyed it ages ago."