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Final Fantasy VII Chips

To many gamers, the soundtracks of the Final Fantasy series are holy writ. Er, holy music. Whatever.

But Square Enix hasn't been afraid to let remixers try their hands at composer Nobuo Uematsu's classic creations. Last year, they released the album SQ Chips, which took classic tunes from across the Squeenix pantheon and added all the bleeps, bloops, and 8-bit sounds you could wish for.

Based on the success of SQ Chips, the Japanese RPG giant has issued a whole series of chiptune albums centered on the post-SNES-era Final Fantasy titles.

Check out this well-known opening track from Final Fantasy 7, newly chip-ified, after the jump. And if you want to purchase these discs, they're not for sale to us Yanks yet, so you'll have to import.