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With the release of WiiU and the expected upcoming announcements of both new Sony and Microsoft home consoles, the question is, “Am I ready?” Not yet. Of course, I am already beginning to save so I am ready Day One for the next Xbox. But I’m waiting to see what the next generation will bring besides more power.
The thing is, I can’t imagine games looking that much better than what we’re already playing. I mean, I play Uncharted on the Vita and want to just stare at the scenery because it can be so breathtaking. Maybe it’s me unaware of what the future holds, but will we see the same leap between Xbox and the 360, PS2 to PS3? It’s hard to imagine.
Instead of prettier games, I want new experiences. XCOM was a stand-out title this past year. I had a lot of play-time with Gravity Rush and Rayman Origins as well. Now, I’m exploring Hong Kong with highly stylized cinematic flair in Sleeping Dogs. On Vita, I’m finally discovering what I have missed with the Sony exclusive Uncharted.
I have appreciated tweaks in familiar play including Spartan Ops and Team Regicide in Halo 4, weekly tournaments in Hot Shots Golf. I love the increased interaction and interconnectedness between social media and gaming devices of all types. I was tremendously impressed with the ease I can upload screenshots from the Vita to Flickr and Twitter. I eagerly paid the multiple entry fees for Skulls of the Shogun and took full advantage of the Cloud Save to play the game on the console and phone.
I think the WiiU does offer something new albeit not for me. I do appreciate the thought of asymmetric play with the additional screen. I like that the WiiU offers a solution to TV sharing limitations.
Remember life before Achievements? Cross-game chat and parties? Streaming video apps? These innovations created the gap between the previous generation more than the improved graphics. What will the next generation of consoles bring? I don’t know and quite frankly, I am not sure how it will top the current generation.