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Skyrim never really gets old.

Do you remember the time one of your new combat animations activated and you sent that assassins head rolling down the path towards a group of unwary travelers? Yeah, me too, good times!

Of course, this type of incident happens all the time. A common occurrence in these parts. The travelers ignored the gruesome incident as I watched their reaction, then I chuckled and went about my business. Just another day in the ‘Rim.

Sure, this game’s been on the scene a couple of years, but there’s nothing quite like stepping into the snow & hearing the roar of a dragon overhead. That happens a lot. A barbarian can’t take two steps without hearing the ground shaking language of Skyrim’s most notable denizens.

These tales may seem a little long in the tooth, a couple of years in game life is like an eternity so it seems.

But I never see my games in a geriatric way. One must respect their elders, even the so-called current or previous generation. Just look at the original God Of War. Yep, it still kicks butt.

Not a single one of my dragons flew backwards, or exhibited any more than the usual twitches & glitches one would expect in a game of this scope. I was lucky. (but I sorta wish they had!)

Very few games have the ability to so totally immerse one in its world. And crack you up with its implausible yet perfectly acceptable reactions and physics. I still maintain mountain hopping should be a legitimate skill!

My notorious barbarian is a questionable hero, whom lives with very little concern about the consequences of his actions. He lives life to the hilt, often using that hilt to clobber whatever jerk is unfortunate enough to cross his path.

He still exists to this day, leading a double life. One life concerned for the advancement of the story, and the fun yet deep immersion of this rich and varied world.

The other life though, is care-free and impetuous, with little interest in the save file available to him. True freedom and impulsive decisions have led him down an adventurous, surprising, and hilarious path. His deeds are left unspoken by the victims ….er, townsfolk and characters he meets.

My previous posts a couple years ago, were an ongoing narrative of my barbarous adventures in the game. Usually goofy and somewhat outrageous, they were definitely not of the Homeric variety. But they were, and still are, a heck of a lot of fun! The articles from the Bitmob day’s can be found floating around here somewhere if you’re so inclined.

I’ve since had more crazy adventures with the likes of Dark Souls, Amalur: Reckoning and most recently Borderlands 2. So far, they have yet to match up to the possibilities and outrageous experiences of Skyrim. But they come extremely close! Stay Tuned!

Oh yeah, …don’t forget that time in Solitude when you climbed the guard tower just inside the gate to attack the guards with poison arrows and fiery death from above! …Classic!