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I have done lots of research concerning this topic because  i care allot about video games; I have been playing them since i was five. I have grown to respect the creators that made these titles. Knowing that is is going to take allot of hard work and dedication to ninja my way into becoming a “professional video game journalist, I love to write about video games, taking about them and creating video content. It is my passion it is what i live on earth to do.

I have many mentors I look up to, Adam Sessler, Adam Kovic and all the other well known editors around the net.  writing is the only way i can express myself, i tend to drift off into thought. My next step is to go the college and study journalism, which i think is the right step forward because it will expand on what i already know. I will also be looking for some free lance work while studying.

Writing is like a martial art you keep practicing it till you master it and it becomes like breathing, in fact i become so engulfed by it, i lose all track of time, my body feels weightless, just sitting there at the keyboard typing away, nothing else matters when i am writing alone what is happening in the present, if you wish to become a professional video game journalist start now, remember that time waits for no on one!!