
We’ve already outlined why your 8-year-old should be learning to code, but why not get them to start learning the lingo a little earlier? A recently released children’s alphabet book called A is for Array might just be the trick.

A is for Array was written by programmer Brandon Hansen and features the letters of the alphabet paired with a common programming word, such as array, boolean, constructor, namespace, and object. The words also include a description that a child might be able to directly relate to — such as an array being described as “a place to store your toy collection.”

Hansen explains his motivation for writing the book:

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I love to code. I have 3 awesome (young) kids. Before my first one was born, I thought to myself, “I need to figure out a way to use her language to illuminate mine.” A is for Array was born that day. It has been a few years since then.

My kids often come in to my office and each time are greeted with a few pieces of candy and/or snacks. When my oldest daughter was asked what it is that I do, she responded with, “He goes to work and eats candy and plays on his computer.” The dream was reawakened.

I am sure that many of you guys (and gals) share similar experiences, hearing whispers of “code monkey” and the like from friends, family, and curious coworkers. Well, A is for Array is here to save the day.

While some of these words and descriptions in A is for Array will almost certainly be a little difficult for young children, I would rather challenge kids than go easy on them.

To get a few more examples of what the book offers, check out the pages below.

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