This sponsored post is produced by Vator.

Vator is one of the largest business networks dedicated to entrepreneurs and investors, and it’s holding its popular inaugural two-day event on May 6 and May 7 at the historic Jack Landon Square in Oakland, Calif. The event will showcase 15 promising startups (with no more than $2M in venture funding), who get to present onstage in front of an audience of some 1,000 attendees in the high-tech space.

The winner receives sitdown meetings with at least five VCs, including Javelin Venture Partners, DFJ and more; $30k worth of in-kind prizes from Rackspace, KPMG, Braintree, and Apple; a bottle of wine, courtesy of Bread & Butter; and a video of their three-minute presentation. Additional prizes will be announced at a later date.

Past winners have raised $140-plus million in follow-on funding. Past winners include Thumbtack, Udemy, PokitDok, DogVacay, and more.

Some investor judges on stage include Ben Ling (Khosla Ventures), Jeff Clavier (SoftTech VC), Josh Stein (DFJ), Robert Scoble (Rackspace, blogger), Ali Partovi (angel investor), Manu Kumar (K9 Ventures), Rob Goldman (Facebook), Howard Hartenbaum (August Capital), Rick Moss/Wes Selke (Better Ventures), Jed Katz (Javelin Venture Partners), Cindy Padnos (Illuminate Ventures), Erik Moore (Base VC), and more we’ll announce later.

To get onstage, you have to win an online competition and then a judges’ competition. But it’s free, and it’s worth a shot. In fact, startups get one 50% discounted ticket per company to Splash Oakland on May 6-7 upon applying. They must meet the qualifications of having raised no more than $2 million, and being under four years old.

Apply to the competition and register to the event here. Use the promo code “venturebeat15” to save 15 percent on the registration fee.

Hope to see you at Vator Splash Oakland!

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