As I sit and read all the stories of teaser timers about timers about other timers counting down those timers for a game that won’t be released for about 3 years, I ask myself : Do we need another Metal Gear game now?

     I’ve been a fan of the "Metal Gear" series since 1998, when my parents bought me a Playstation for Christmas.  After my father informed they couldn’t find "Apocalypse" featuring Bruce "kicks all ass" Willis, they picked up instead "Metal Gear Solid."  Since then I’ve been excited for all things Kojima. 

     With last years release of 4 bringing the Solid Snake story to a close, I felt at peace.  Shortly after the release the media began wondering what’s next for Metal Gear.  I did not however.  I wanted to know what other Kojima franchises we would see.  Why not a " Zone of the Enders 3?"  Or how about a rebirth of "Snatcher."  

   I can’t help but feel that if another "Metal Gear" game is released now it could turn the Kojima Production Studios into a one trick pony when i know they could be doing so much more.

 Policenauts anyone?