After years of development and player testing, The Elder Scrolls Online formally launches today, according to publisher Bethesda Softworks. More than 5 million people have registered for the beta test, making this title quite possibly the strongest contender to steal the online fantasy audience away from the top massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft. The number of players so far is equivalent to the population of Norway.

Here’s an infographic from Bethesda Softworks, a division of ZeniMax, about the game.

There are some kooky stats in this image. My favorite is that the Bethesda team said the consumed 162,784 cups of coffee, or about 272 bathtubs of the caffeinated drink, since development began in earnest in May 2011.

The game is now available on the PC and the Mac.

Elder Scrolls Online

Above: Elder Scrolls Online

Image Credit: Bethesda