SAN FRANCISCO — At Microsoft’s Build conference today, a lot of the talk centered on developer-focused cloud services and new Windows 8 apps. But Build thankfully also included a whole “gaming section” with some really fun demos.

One such demo was an 82-inch Perceptive Pixel touch screen running the just-released Windows 8.1 Preview. Normally a screen like this would be used for presentations, video chat, drawing, and other business-like activities. But instead, I decided to rev up a game of Angry Birds: Star Wars.

Playing on an 82-inch display is amazingly fun, and Angry Birds has never been more engaging. The experience immerses your senses, and animations pop. In the case of gaming, many folks agree that bigger screens are always better, and this was no exception.

Plus, the display costs $21,200, so it’s unlikely I’ll ever get to play on something like this except in circumstances like a developer’s conference.

Check out the video of me playing below.