You’ve probably heard of Between Two Ferns, actor Zach Galifinakis’s mock-interview show where he asks celebrities awkward questions. Well, you’re about to learn about Between Shu Ferns. 

Gaming publisher Sony Computer Entertainment America released the video today that it claims will inform gamers about the company’s upcoming PlayStation Experience event taking place in Las Vegas. In reality, though, Between Shu Ferns is a silly video that features PlayStation’s developer-relations boss Adam Boyes facing insane questions that make almost no sense.

Like Galifinakis’s show, PlayStation’s set is dark and has the subjects sitting between two fern trees. Only Sony has adorned each tree with a picture of Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida.

Check out it out for yourself in the video below:

And don’t miss Part 2:

Part 3 with Double Fine’s Tim Schafer:

Part 4 with PlayStation’s third-party boss Gio Corsi:

This isn’t the first time Sony Computer Entertainment America has made a splash on the Web with video.

During the Electronic Entertainment Expo tradeshow event in 2013, following the debut of the PS4 and Xbox One systems, Sony released a mocking guide explaining how to share PS4 games with your friends. The 20-second clip had Yoshida handing off a game to Boyes as an example of how Sony was keeping things the same — you just give someone a game. This was meant to highlight Microsoft’s complicated digital-rights management system, which it has since abandoned.

That video was a big part of making Boyes and Yoshida household names among PlayStation fans, and the company continues to capitalize on that today.