BioShock 2

“Scandal. In the game Bioshock 2, children are used and murdered. Little girls are used like dogs looking for drugs for their masters.”

Above is the discursive headline used to bring attention to an
inflammatory article in a well-read Polish newspaper called Gazeta
Lubuska. The title should communicate the gist of the story (originally written in Polish), but in case you’re still curious, the author deplores 2K’s anticipated sequel for its lack of Catholic values and its demented setting.

The author takes umbrage with the portrayal and role of children in the game, particularly the Little Sisters — genetically modified girls who played a major part in Bioshock‘s critically acclaimed narrative.  The Polish writer explains that Big Daddies — the game’s hulking
enemies — forcibly keep them in order to seek out drugs in a “world
rules, in a country without God, faith, and no moral principles.” 

Bioshock 2’s premise jarred an equally misguided reader, who notified the author of the game’s content. According to the reader, “drug addicts, lunatics, whose sole purpose is to acquire territory” comprise the entirety of Rapture’s population.  Lastly, the reader lambasts the sequel for promoting “anti-Catholic values,” a claim which stems from the philosophies of Bioshock 2’s characters, some of whom are Metaphysical Objectivists, Communists, and Libertarians.

Although the author of the article admires the game’s graphics, he ultimately admonishes Bioshock 2 for its message. Having played both games in the series, the author’s uninformed opinions tempt me to carefully explain why he is wrong , but I’d rather let you do that…in the comments section [Polygamia via Hellforge]!