Where we’re going, we don’t need roads

Title: A sequel to The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (no official name yet)
Release date: Holiday 2013

A sequel to WHAT!?

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System is like the Bible of video games — and you just can’t write a sequel to the Bible. Yet that’s exactly what Nintendo is doing with this upcoming Zelda title (which we’ll just call A Link to the Past 2 for now). While it’s set in the same world many gamers know and love, A Link to the Past 2 tells an original story with all-new dungeons to explore.

What’s old or new about it?

It’s been a long time since the last time we even touched A Link to the Past, but it’s a classic for a reason: the music and the animations are just timeless. Small touches, like the sound of powering up Link’s sword for his whirlwind strike or the rousing melody heard when opening up a treasure chest, are kept intact. Familiar enemies and color-coded puzzle switches from the original also make an appearance.

Where A Link to the Past 2 deviates the most from its predecessor is its perspective. In this demo, you play from a top-down view as Link launches himself higher and higher into the tower by smashing smiling red blocks with his hammer. Link also has a new tool in his arsenal: he can flatten himself into walls to cross previously unseen areas or bypass obstacles.

Did you know?

“In this new game, Link can become a chalk drawing and move within walls,” said a Nintendo representative. “Even if players remain still in this form, the drawing of Link will continue to animate, reminiscent of a popular 1980s music video!”

The dungeon featured in the demo (and in the screens here) is actually a souped-up version of the Tower of Hera from the original Link to the Past. It features the return of a familiar boss, the worm-like Moldorm. Nintendo wouldn’t say either way if what we played is in the final game.