Capcom’s taken to Facebook to ask gamers their thoughts on a Resident Evil 2 remake.

The Japanese developer has called for “honest and frank” opinions on the future of Resident Evil 2 in the wake of a fan-made 3D remake. The 1998 survival-horror classic is certainly a fan favorite, but it’s not yet part of Capcom’s big remastering initiative — the developer is reworking many of its old games for current systems. Capcom’s already found success with an HD version of the original Resident Evil (via a 2002 GameCube remake), and it’s releasing an updated version of the less-appreciated Resident Evil 0 next year.

InvaderGames, a developer from Italy, is currently building a 3D version of Resident Evil 2 — called Resident Evil 2 Reborn — in Unreal Engine 4. This fan project is set for a free release later in the summer … depending on Capcom’s reaction to it.

It’ll be interesting to see whether Capcom gives the green light for this fan-made effort to release or whether it will take the Resident Evil 2 HD project forward itself.

Writing on Facebook, a representative of Capcom’s research and development department said, “First off, we would like to express our deepest appreciation to all Resident Evil fans, for your passion, enthusiasm, and continued support for the Resident Evil brand. Enthusiasm for a Resident Evil 2 Remake is something we’ve been hearing from you over the years and has drawn some recent attention in the media.”

With a clear nod to Resident Evil 2 Reborn, the post then asked for gamers’ opinions about how Capcom should proceed with a Resident Evil 2 remake.

“As the team owns the RE brand,” it reads. “we’re not certain how we feel about this approach and would like to ask your honest and frank opinion about the ‘Resident Evil 2 Remake’ and what the brand identity is supposed to be about?”