What is an art book? A miserable little pile of drawings.

Konami has partnered with Titan Publishing to put together a book of concept art for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow as well as the upcoming Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. It goes on sale tomorrow for $25, and it includes over 190 pages of vampires, monsters, and bare-chested heroes.

I didn’t feel like waiting, so I grabbed my whip and double jumped through Titan Publishing’s labyrinthine office complex to grab some exclusive images from the book. I’m gonna share ’em all with you.

Check it out:

Lords of Shadow 2 is the latest entry in the long-running Castlevania franchise. It debuted last week for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. It follows the adventures of Gabriel Belmont in a three-dimensional action game where he must use an arsenal of holy weapons to take down the head vampire, Dracula. For more, check out our review.

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