
I was always a ginormous fan of the Batman animated series. I watched it every day after high school and loved how it treated its audience (me) as worthy of the kind of intellectual and emotional exploration usually reserved for prime-time dramas. No, it wasn’t quite The Wire, but it certainly seemed to take the subject matter as seriously as anything ever had before. So when I found out Batman: Arkham Asylum was written by the same dude behind the animated series, I knew it would have a story that I could delight in. The game itself, though, offers up far more game than we thought possible. Ryan, JayFresh, and I have, admittedly, a bit of a love-fest over what really is the best Batman game to date, and one of our favorite games so far this year.

The iPhone may very well be more powerful than developers realize. Gangstar proves that not only can you bring a near-Grand Theft Auto experience to the iPhone, but that it can be done with controls that are fairly intuitive and with gameplay straight out of the early PS2 era. It was a surprise to both Jason and Cesar that such a game even existed, but, as they mention, it’s not without its flaws.

Perhaps it would have been more awesome to have a new Metroid Prime, but re-releasing the entire trilogy, complete with improved Wii controls a la Corruption is nothing to sneeze at. Ryan and special guest Torrey Holbrook Walker (you may recognize that name from our music credits, and from Bitmob) step out into the depth of night in order to discuss the finer points of what makes this series so particularly special. Watch the show after the break!



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