You’ve probably heard, but the Wii U isn’t doing so hot.

We asked our community of writers at GamesBeat Unfiltered how they would save Nintendo’s newest console, and you all delivered some great articles on the subject. Below is a collection of those stories.

Also, if you don’t know how to write for us, head over to our “About” page. It tells you how to submit stories for GamesBeat Unfiltered, our community-focused site where all our readers can publish their own articles. We’ll select your best stories, edit them, and put them on GamesBeat’s front page. Or you can see them in spotlights like this.

Now, let’s save Nintendo!

A pimp’s guide to saving Nintendo (and the Wii U)
By Bryant Chambers

No, Bryant is not actually a pimp, but he believes that Nintendo should use that hustling mentality in its quest to save the Wii U. Even if it means … partnering with Sony?!

Saving the Wii U
By Callum Povey

Callum doesn’t suggest anything as drastic as Bryant. Instead, he places most of the blame on Nintendo’s marketing (or lack of) for the Wii U. He offers some suggestions on how to fix that problem.

The Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. is one of the system's upcoming big exclusives.

Above: The Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. is one of the system’s upcoming big exclusives.

Image Credit: Nintendo

Saving the Wii U in 4 steps
By Moises Cossio

Moises has four simple suggestions for Nintendo, including a price drop and better online support to entice third-party publishers. Seems reasonable to me.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata: ‘We haven’t been targeting children enough’
By Cassie Gotto

OK, this isn’t exactly answering our prompt, but let’s consider Cassie’s article a little bonus. She asks us if Nintendo really does need to worry about the child audience.