A new expansion has revitalized Destiny, taking the sci-fi shooter — which sold $500M of stock into retail on day one of its Sept 2014 launch — back to the top of the U.K. retail chart.
Destiny: The Taken King outperformed other big new releases Forza Motorsport 6 and Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 this week, reports MCV. That’s despite its week-one physical sales hitting just 16 percent of those for the original Destiny. Activision already claimed that The Taken King is the most downloaded day-one game in PlayStation 4 history, and it’s interesting to note that retail sales are also performing well.
PlayStation 4 accounted for 57 percent of The Taken King’s U.K. retail sales, with 34 percent on Xbox One, 7 percent on Xbox 360, and just 2 percent on PlayStation 3.
Meanwhile, Konami got some bad news as Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain sales declined 54 percent, dropping to fourth place.
Here’s what the full U.K. all formats retail chart looks like for the week ending Sept 19:
- Destiny: The Taken King (Activision)
- Forza Motorsport 6 (Microsoft)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 (Konami)
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Konami)
- Mad Max (Warner Bros)
- Super Mario Maker (Nintendo)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar)
- Disney Infinity 3.0 (Disney)
- Rugby League Live 3 (Alternative Software)
- Lego Jurassic World (Warner Bros)