We finally got our first look at the upcoming open-world role-playing game Fallout 4 from publisher Bethesda, and most people took away one major thing from that video: a dog.

Fallout 4 is coming at some point in the future to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Bethesda plans to give us more details during its June 14 media presentation at the Electronic Entertainment Expo trade show in Los Angeles. But for now, the Internet has all of the information that it needs.

The trailer shows a dog, and that’s enough.


Are you listening, Bethesda? Because everyone is making the exact same joke:



But not everyone thinks you’ll get to play as the dog. Instead, some think that it’ll die at the end. Yes, these are the only two thoughts you are allowed to have about the canine in Fallout 4.



Really, you can only do one thing in a situation like this:
