Fallout 4 doesn’t want you to quit it just yet.

Developer Bethesda revealed the first wave of downloadable add-on content for its popular role-playing game, Fallout 4. The PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC open-world game was the third best-selling release of 2015, according to market research firm The NPD Group, and additional content like this can encourage everyone who owns it to spend more money and prevent them from trading Fallout 4 for in-store credit at places like GameStop. Software sales were worth $16.5 billion in the U.S. in 2015, according to the Entertainment Software Association.

First up is Automatron ($10) — coming this March — which allows you to hunt robots and build your own mechanical companions. April’s Wasteland Workshop ($5) has you creating traps and cages for the game’s live creatures, and it’ll even let you pit them against each other in battles (like some kind of twisted Pokémon spinoff). May’s Far Harbor ($25) is the largest of the bunch, as it includes a new quest in a new area, an island called Far Harbor, off the coast of Maine.

Bethesda notes it still has more, unannounced content coming this year, which will all be worth $60. All of this is included for anyone who already bought Fallout 4’s $30 season pass, but Bethesda notes that it will now increase the price of the pass to $60. However, anyone who already bought one will get all 2016’s downloadable content for the $30 they originally paid. The price change doesn’t happen until March 1, so you can still buy the season pass for $30 before then.