Car games are about to bombard the world.

Three triple-A titles — The Crew, Forza Horizon 2, and Driveclub — and one crowdfunded indie game — Project Cars — will compete this fall for the adoration of car fans. All four games come out within six weeks of one another; Forza Horizon 2 is the first out of the gate Sept. 30, with Project Cars bringing up the rear with a Nov. 18 release date.

The fierce competition forces potential buyers to question themselves. Which one should I pick? What are the features that make each stand out, and which of these meet my needs? Should I say screw it and drop the $250-plus to buy them all?

GamesBeat tracked down the leaders of each development team to address these questions. Each offered his take on what makes his game unique and why players should choose it above the others.

Here’s a comparison gallery of fancy cars from all four games to get you started:

Interviews and screenshot galleries for each game begin on the next page. The last page has a final summary of all four interviews.